AS NEW IN FACTORY BOX WITH PAPERS. Colt rifles have a reputation of reliability, performance, and accuracy. The six-shot ’87 quickly became a success with just fewer than 64,000 turned out before 1899. This is according to R. L. Wilson's 600 page book on Colt Firearns. CO. (USFAMC) SINGLE ACTION ARMY COWBOY MODEL 45LC CAL. However, during the 1870’s William Mason and Charles Brinckerhoff designed and created the .45-caliber centerfire Colt Single Action Army. More than 21,000 of Colt’s first, second and third models were turned out between 1848 and 1860, with  their massive, heavy and powerful “revolving horse pistols” especially favored by Western horse soldiers and civilians alike. Photo on canvas stretcher, $150 or both Hummel photos for $200. Meacham of St. Louis. Its unique full-stocked carbine (in .45-75 caliber) was issued to Canada’s North West Mounted Police and used by them into the early 20th century. All matching to box along with original paperwork, shipping bag, CONSIGNMENT NEW IN BOX  Colt Last Cowboy 45 Colt Single-Action Army (1 of 300) The Colt Last Cowboy Single Action Army is a royal blue and color case 4.75", 45LC c, NEW Heritage Mfg RR22CH6WBRN14 22 LR 6.5" LIBERTY Heritage Arms RR22CH6WBRN14: Celebrate the Freedom of the 2nd Amendment this 4th of July with an iconic piece of American History the Heritag, SOLD ! Cimarron 1876 Centennial “Tom Horn” Rifle. : N/ADrop: N/AWeight: N/ASer. Colt's Manufacturing Company - firearms, handguns, pistols, rifles, revolvers. Buffalo Bill Cody claimed to have carried and used one during an 1850s cattle drive. Cimarron is the leader in innovation for old west firearms reproductions and is proud to have created the new models, making our guns more reliable, higher in quality and historically accurate. The “Gun That Won the West” is a subject that many firearms and Old West aficionados love to discuss and debate. Manufacturer: Heritage Manufacturing Inc. Model: Rough Rider - Barkeep SKU: BK22CH2WBRN10 Action: Single-Action Only Calibe. Made to handle the then-new smokeless powder ammunition capable of taking big-game worldwide, with chamberings such as the .30-40 Krag, .30-06, .303 British, .40-72, .405 Winchester and the 7.62mm Russian calibers, its box magazine, located beneath the frame, held five rounds. If you are looking to buy guns or sell guns… Here is a New in the Box Uberti O & L Jesse Single Action Revolver in caliber 45 Long Colt. The ASM's are different! The U.S. military purchased more than 15,000 of both models, with most of the ’52 carbines going to the 2nd U.S. Dragoons serving on the frontier. Whether in cap and ball or converted to metallic cartridge, this .44 six gun saw much use west of the Mississippi. By the 1870s many Navies were converted to take .38 caliber metallic cartridges and for decades the Colt Navy was one of the most popular handguns in the West. Armi San Marco Colt 1873 SAA .22 long Blank firing. This is a full size Single Action frame revolver; not scaled down like most .22 Single Actions. CA. This smokewagon was the best balanced, ergonomically perfect six-gun of the age, and from the time of its introduction in late 1873, it became an instant frontier favorite with good and bad hombres alike. A giant of a rifle, this enlarged version of the ’73 model, the 1876 Winchester was originally dubbed the Centennial Model, with nearly 64,000 produced between 1876 and 1897. Most of the western guns below are exempt from the VCRA so that anyone over 18 can buy. Price: £307.00. It was and still is truly the six-gun of the Wild West. 4 - 3/4" round barrel chambered in .45 Colt with standard SAA front. UBERTI BY TAYLOR'S & CO. 1873 SAA SMOKE WAGON .45 LONG COLT 4 3/4" BLUE / CASE SINGLE ACTION NEW IN BOX REVOLVER. A favorite with Westerners since its debut, the ’73 was eventually teamed with the Colt Single Action revolver and other six-guns of the time that had been chambered to take the Winchester’s proprietary .44-40, .38-40 and .32-20 ammunition. Although some firearms manufacturers advertise their lead-dispensing products as having rightfully earned that distinguished title, such a claim is not to be taken as gospel. Perhaps the most famous and certainly the most recognizable rifle of America’s frontier period, this iron-framed lever-action rifle was Winchester’s first centerfire arm and was manufactured from 1873 until1919, with well over a half million turned out by 1900. Armed and dangerous shootists used a double-deuce of firearms when the West was young and restless. ASM Full Steel Colt 1873 SAA. Hundreds of Cowboy Action Shooting guns in stock for sale. While some folks feel that a single model firearm was most responsible for taming our raw frontier in the late 19th century—such as the 1873 Winchester repeater, 1874 Sharps buffalo rifle, double-barreled shotgun, or perhaps The Peacemaker, the legendary 1873 Colt Single Action Army revolver—most serious students of the American West agree that it was not a single model gun or type of firearm that “won the West.” Rather, they believe it was an assortment of rifles, shotguns and handguns, in the hands of a diverse and colorful crowd of men and women, that brought both violence and law and order to our Western territories. William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody owned this embellished … 3 Revolver,” a Colt Peacemaker lookalike, the firm had high hopes of competing with the ’73 Colt’s instant popularity, and while sales were initially brisk, the revolver never achieved the desired success or official acceptance by the U.S. government. The Belt Models had the stagecoach robbery scene. Considered one of the more handsome of military percussion longarms with its brass patchbox and mountings, this .54 caliber rifle was issued to the Regiment of Mounted Rifles in the 1840s (later the 3rd Cavalry) and favored by Confederate sharpshooters in the War Between the States. Also known as the Equalizer, Hogleg, and other monikers, it was best known as the Peacemaker—a moniker given it by Colt distributor E. Kittredge of Cincinnati. The West Texas Flattop Target is a highly refined and thoroughly modern version of the 19th-century Colt Flattop Target, complete with adjustable target sights and 1860 Colt-style grip frame. Sharps Rifle Replica. It comes with the factory box and paperwok. The pistol is on the Colt database and is listed as a Colt Army made in 1861 - very early for one of these, action is live, full working, cocks, dry fires, chamber revolves and it locks in place nicely. Read More At the close of the Civil War, the federal government converted thousands of 1863 Springfield percussion rifle/muskets from muzzle loaders to breechloaders able to handle self-contained metallic cartridges, first in .58 rimfire, then by lining the Named for the Republic of Texas Navy, ironically, this gun saw little action on the … In new condition the ’77 was an efficient arm but, if the six-gun was put to much work, the inherent weaknesses in its design became all too obvious. This p. Here in a New in the Box Uberti 1875 Remington Army in Stainless finish in the caliber 45 Long Colt. Although only around 1,100 revolvers were ever produced in1847, too late to have much impact on the Mexican War, and despite its number of mechanical deficiencies, Colt’s largest six-shooter, weighing 4 pounds, 9 ounces unloaded, remains a milestone in handgun development. Colt Single Action Army, blue Custom Shop inner box papers/manual from factory,5.5" P1850, Blue Case/case color. Shop new and used handguns and revolvers including the Colt 1911, Mark IV Series, Colt Cobra, and more. … The Model 3’s identical-looking “Russian” variation in .44 S&W Russian caliber was packed by John Wesley Hardin, James-Younger gang member Charlie Pitts, Sheriff Pat Garrett and gunslinger King Fisher. Phil Spangenberger has written for Guns & Ammo, appears on the History Channel and other documentary networks, produces Wild West shows, is a Hollywood gun coach and character actor, and is True West’s Firearms Editor. CO. (USFAMC) SINGLE ACTION ARMY COWBOY MODEL 45LC CAL. 1890 photo of Germans in “The Deer Horn Saloon” in San Antonio, TX, framed 16 1/2 X 12″. Western leather gun holsters, custom made to order in the USA. Brand New in the Box, Ready to Ship. Gun is fresh from the factory, packing grease still on firearm. Cowboy Time Machine: Colt’s First Revolver, the Paterson, Yesterday & Today Prior to Samuel Colt’s 1835-1836 patents for the revolver, American handguns were, for the most part, variations of European-style single shot pistols, first of the flintlock type and later the new cap-and-ball percussion lock design. The West Texas Flattop Target featured an 1860 Colt-style grip frame, most often with fancy one-piece walnut stocks as on this example, and an adjustable rear sight. The 1853 model was nicknamed the “John Brown Sharps,” for his use of them in his bloody anti-slavery crusade. This replica is from 1860 and is made of zamak, it measures 35 cm long and weighs 1022 grams. Neat gun ,great handling and somethign different then everyone else shoots ! Both sides favored this percussion arm in “bleeding Kansas” and the 1850s border wars. Another distinguishing feature of the Colt 1860 Army, first introduced on the Colt 1855 sidehammer, is the "creeping" loading lever. The ’95 model became standard issue with the Arizona Rangers, and was also popular with the Texas Rangers of the era. The best and certainly one of the most economical and versatile firearms for hunting and defense in a wild, hostile land was the twin-barreled scattergun. 3 BAND ENFIELD RIFLE G1067. If there was ever a single gun that had an impact on the history of the West, it was the vest pocket Deringer pistol used by John Wilkes Booth to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln. Was the so-called West-winning gun given this coveted title because of the great numbers in which it was produced, or for the work it accomplished? It was also that company’s first lever gun to be chambered for the powerful .45-70 Government cartridge, along with other black powder big-game chamberings, such as .45-90 and .50-110 Express. A vast improvement over the 1876 model, the ’86, with its vertical locking bolts and streamlined frame, was distinctively different from previous Winchesters, and was the first repeater from inventive firearms genius John M. Browning to be adopted by Winchester. Holsters are available in either border tooled or plain, most have a hammer thong. There was even confusion at Colt about what the Models were called. Colt 1851 Navy. Featuring Matte Blue finish with 5 ½” barrels, fitted wi, UBERTI BY TAYLOR'S & CO. 1873 SAA SMOKE WAGON .45 LONG COLT 4 3/4" BLUE / CASE SINGLE ACTION NEW IN BOX REVOLVER. WANT TO PURCHASE CALL OUR SHOP 716-941-3946, NEW IN STOCK Colt's Manufacturing Single Action Army, 45LC, 5.5" Barrel, Steel Frame, Color Case Hardened Frame, Blued Barrel & Cylinder, Black Composite Eagle Grips, Fixed Sights, 6Rd P18, NEW IN STOCK Cimarron Old Model Wyatt Earp, 45LC, 10" Barrel, Steel Frame, Color Case Hardened Finish, Fixed Sights, 6Rd PP558 •Made famous in the movie “Tombstone” &nbs, Taylor Uberti Schofield 45 Long Colt 5 inch bbl, Charcoal Blue, Case Hardened, New in Factory Box. Others saw service with the Texas Rangers, and pistoleer “Wild Bill” Hickok was known to have owned one and may have used it in 1865 to kill Dave Tutt in Springfield, Missouri. The 1860 Colt Army was the primary revolver used by federal troops during the Civil War with about 200,500 produced from 1860 through 1873. Thousands of them were packed in the gold camps of California or concealed on the persons of riverboat gamblers and soiled doves, as well as respectable citizens. The attachment shows a Colt advertising piece that predates the 1860 Army Model that shows the stagecoach scene on a "Pocket Pistol". Produced from 1886 through 1935, around 120,000 were turned out by 1900. Chambered in .44 Remington Centerfire, .44 Winchester Central Fire (.44-40) and .45 Colt, only around 25,000 of the model were ever produced from 1875 through 1889. As such it was one of the big-bore repeaters that helped spell doom for single-shot rifles. The massive ’76 was a favorite with Theodore Roosevelt, and he used it extensively during his Dakota Territory ranching days. Equipped with a 5.5" barrel, a walnut grip, 6 round magazine, and blued finish. Brand New-just in from my friends at Taylors,what great revolver, Frank James carried Reminton revolvers as did William Cody between 1863 to 1, Uberti Cimarron 1875 Outlaw in 45 LC Brand new from Cimarron in 5.5" barrel. A number of ’86s were used by the “invaders” brought in by the cattlemen in Wyoming’s 1892 Johnson County War. 4 3/4” REVOLVER NEW IN BOX. This is a Weihrauch-made SAA copy that retains virtually all of the original blue on the metal, and only a faint hint of, Maker: EMF Model: DakotaCaliber: .45 ColtBarrels: 4 1/2"Chokes: N/AL.O.P. Originally designed and used as a cavalry sidearm, it quickly became the choice of cowboys, lawmen, outlaws and outdoorsmen of all breeds. Used Gary Reeder African Hunter 5 shot 4 1/2" barrel 500 Linebaugh only fired 250 shots Hornady reloader kit included in original box  with gun sock  Buyer pays shipping Mill, These 1873 Cattleman .22 models are ideal for cowboy action practice and target shooting. Successors to Colt and the last Single Actions made in the old Colt, Brand new in the box, in stock and ready to ship. Although the rifle and six-gun usually take the bows for winning the West, it was the double-barreled shotgun as much as any firearm that was responsible for bringing civilization to the frontier. Cimarron Firearms Cimarron USV Artillery Single Action Revolver .45 Long 5.5" Barrel 6 Rounds Walnut Grip with US Artillery Markings - .45 Long Colt $529.00: 0 $529.00 2009. From Cimarron: Built to compete with S, Uberti Bisley ,44-40 7 1/2" Brand new fresh shipment of guns from Taylors (and Cimarron), this is a neat Bisley in 44-40 Blue and Case color with 7 1/2 Barrel. This model is most often found with a 7-1/2" barrel, although examples with longer barrels are known to … Gunmen like Indian Territory lawman Heck Thomas and gambler John H. “Doc” Holiday also used scatterguns. Interior Department purchasing 639 nickel-plated 7 1/2-inch ’75 Remingtons for issuance to various Indian Police agencies on frontier reservations. Manufacturer: Heritage Manufacturing Inc. Model: Rough Rider - Liberty Edition SKU: RR22CH4WBRN13 Action: Single-Action Only, Brand new in the box, in stock and ready to ship! 11 / Springfield Allin Conversion 1866 Rifle. It did gain some popularity out West with the Republic of Mexico ordering 1,000 revolvers during the 1880s, and in 1883 the U.S. BUY IT NOW!! The Colt 1873 Single Action Army, also known as the Single Action Army, SAA, Model P, Peacemaker, M1873, and Colt .45 is a single-action revolver with a revolving cylinder holding six metallic cartridges. Another unique firearm from the inventive genius of John Browning, the 1895 Winchester was the first successful box-magazine lever-action rifle manufactured. Rare in .22 long ! Texas Ranger Captain Sam Walker helped design the Walker as an improvement of the Paterson. Nice clean looks consumer unfired-has been turned,shows just a touch of, PAIR 0F REALLY NICE GERMAN MADE, 2 REVOLVER SET, CONSECUTIVE SERIAL NUMBER, BRIGHT NICKEL PLATED, 45LC, 4 1/2 INCH BARREL,  EAA, BOUNTY HUNTER (BU454NIC/CHR), NEW SET IN THEIR BOX NO SCUF, BRAND NEW IN THE BOX AND READY TO SHIP!