Emilie Jaskula Head of Asset Management / + 33 1 44 45 97 98 Send an email. Find out the credentials of our various local entities. 33-1-44-45-67-42 Tel. AXA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MANAGERS S.A. joseph.galy@axa-im.com: 01 44 45 84 06 06 88 65 68 12: Service Offerings & Client Profiles. François de La Rochefoucauld. AXA Investment Managers Paris Tour Majunga, La Defense 9 6, Place de la Pyramide 92800 Puteauxx France. Phone. Important information : change of address of AXA Investment Managers Paris. 92800, PUTEAUX, ILE-DE … Sources. Fund Type SICAV. AXA HORIZON ISR is a legal entity registered with LEI implemented by Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). CONTACT DETAILS For more information, please contact the joint agents: FRANCE. Senior Sales Manager. Antoine Mesnage Head of Acquisitions / + 33 1 44 45 79 70 Send an email. AXA is present in geographically diverse markets, with operations concentrated in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. The information and data used in this presentation has been sourced from a number of recognised industry providers. www.axa-im.com Tour Majunga – 6, place de la Pyramide, 92908 Paris La Défense cedex – France. AXA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MANAGERS SGP has 91 employees at this location and generates $100.83 million in sales (USD). 6, Place de la Pyramide, Tour Majunga, AXA-IM 18ème étage, Paris, 92800 Puteaux +33 (0)6 58 03 08 00 AXA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MANAGERS SGP is located in PUTEAUX, ILE-DE-FRANCE, France and is part of the Securities Brokerages Industry. Tour Majunga - La Défense 9 6, place de la Pyramide 92908 Paris La Defense Cedex FRANCE +33 1 44 45 70 00. 6 PLACE DE LA PYRAMIDE. AXA Investment Managers. This document has been prepared and issued by AXA Real Estate Investment Managers, Marketing and Communication Team, Tour Majunga - La Défense 9, 6 place de la Pyramide, 92908 Paris La Defense Cedex. Insurer Services; ... TOUR MAJUNGA LA DEFENSE 9. Website www.axa-im.com. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is 969500R3KVRMP8QH6J23. In other jurisdictions, this document is issued by AXA Investment Managers SA’s affiliates in those countries The address is 6 PL DE LA PYRAMIDE, TOUR MAJUNGA LA DEFENSE 9, PUTEAUX, 92800, France AXA Investment Managers’s phone number is +33 1 44 45 70 00 Jérôme Delaunay Country Head / +33 1 44 45 96 79 Send an email. Joseph Galy. Germain Aunidas AXA Investment Managers’s headquarters are in Tour Majunga - La D fense 9., Puteaux, Ile-de-France, 92800, France What is AXA Investment Managers’s phone number? Tour Majunga, 6 place de la Pyramide, 92800 Puteaux, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 353 534 506, and a Portfolio Management Company, holder of AMF approval no. GP 92-08, issued on 7 April 1992. Correspondence address Tour Majunga - La Defense 9, 6, Place De La Pyramide, Puteaux, 92800, France
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