Early the next morning, Anthony meets Tom in the forest to own up for his mistakes. He has the upper hand, but when he thinks he recognizes his dead friend in the German he attempts to kill, Alistear stops firing and is shot himself. The motorist who kidnapped Candy the night before is named Sam who transports her to a hotel where he meets his boss Mr. George from London. The Cornwell brothers, Patricia and Annie take Candy for a farewell dinner. When a note begs the doctor to help a woman in labour, up in the mountains while a blizzard blows, Candy already acts the bossy, stubborn nurse. When Neil and Eliza witness Klint following Candy out of the stables, they pester her to the brink of tears by taking away her prince's pendant, threatening to tell their mother about Klint. The Leagans and great-aunt Elroy inform her that she is to marry Neil by Grandfather William's injunction and is to be promised immediately. When McGregor sees Candy talking to Mr. Brighton, he requests for her care. Mr. Brighton warmed to Candy's lively, generous nature and hopes to convince his wife Jane to adopt Candy on his next visit to the orphanage. When Eliza's attempt to defame Candy by disparaging a letter from Pony's Home and to trick her into a violent reaction backfires, Eliza involves Neil who forces Candy into the forest where two of his friends wait to molest her. With a man-made avalanche they manage to stall the sheriff and marshall. In a panic Candy manages to break down the door and Anthony finds her. Accessibility Help. As Annie and Candy return to the house, Annie discovers the sole rose in bloom in the garden, a Sweet Candy. But that is the last thing Candy can do. Candy realizes it must have been Albert. But upon great-aunt Elroy's request the organizer denies them entry into the competitions. Julius Berg, Director: The Owners. Skip to main content. By chance she comes across a picture of Anthony, which Alistear gives her. Even frosty Franny cannot hide how touched she is by it all from Candy. Archibald, Annie and Patricia pay Candy a lunchtime visit with news from Alistear on the boat to France where he will join the aerial force. While she nurtures Cookie back to consciousness and warmth, Captain Nieven visits the two fifteen-year-olds, not at all amused. When Dr. Kerry gains consciousness and sees Arthur she warns him of the sheriff and marshall coming to capture him. Candy admits to herself that she is in love with Terry and recognizes Eliza acts the way she does out of jealousy. And yet, Franny pretends everything is going splendidly to the others. Alas, that same night, Candy has to do her first night shift. When she hears Terry's harmonica tune, Candy rushes inside expecting to see him, and finds Cookie instead. Meanwhile, Patricia delivers a package from grandfather William to Candy: a Romeo and a Juliet costume. Dr. Kerry takes a week of absence to find Arthur in Chicago. When he even rejects her own experiences of the people she knows who survived the front or are still in it, Candy gets truly angry and takes him to a ravine where many of the stampeding cows ended up falling to their death. But Eliza witnessed the awkward exchange and is frightened to lose her partner-in-crime. She also confesses to have prevented Terry from meeting Candy in Chicago, by deceiving Candy when she came to look for him in the hotel in Chicago. Meanwhile all the students of the Merry Jane Nursing School have successfully passed the examination, including Franny who did her examination while at the front. Merry Jane came to personally award the diplomas to Candy, Natalie, Judy, and Eleanor. Finally alone, Annie admits she is unhappy and cannot forget everything and everyone that ever made her happy. She worked in a factory in the day and made flowers at night to support him, before he ran away to fend for himself. On her way to a burger stand to buy food, Candy covers a vagrant sleeping on a bench in the park with the old lady's shawl. Though first annoyed at having to drive Eliza's friend around, Neil looks upon it as an opportunity to make Candy jealous when he sees her walking in town. Patricia is ordered to dispose of the turtle and remain in confinement in the contemplation room. When the snowdrifts clear, Candy continues and encounters Jimmy on a horse. Terry was born out of wedlock after a romance between his father and the actress, and though the eldest son, he is treated by his stepmother as a bastard. In New York, Susanna has found out where Terry lives and visits him to inform him that there will be an audition for Romeo and Juliet, just as he was looking up information for Candy to stay and enjoy Broadway in New York with him during the holidays. On the way home, Albert who went looking for her in his new car meets her on the road. The head nurse refuses to alter the night shift, and eventually Candy resigns to the fact that she will not see Terry, finding herself unable to leave the patients uncared for. When they return Eliza invites the four to a dinner garden party she is hosting. But before Patricia is even halfway, Marsha breaks down from physical exhaustion, and Patricia needs to be recalled urgently by telegram. Susanna claims it was love at first sight, since the time Terry presented himself to the Strasford company. The starstruck Terry is fighting his own emotional battles during the train ride to Chicago when it passes the station to the road that leads to Pony's Home that he once visited. Understanding why she cannot join Annie's company, Candy wishes to visit a place where she can shout and hurl. But nothing Eliza says can bring Candy out of her good mood. The two discover their mutual chemistry. One day, they learn Anthony plans to participate in a rodeo in Tom's village. She finds Susanna on the roof and saves her from a deadly fall at the last moment. Terry arrives and settles Susanna back into her bed, while Candy weighs the events and emotions. Not escaping Sister Gray's notice, Candy suffers through morning prayer in her distinct white dress while everyone else wears black. One night, because Archibald's beacon to identify the correct balcony has gone out, Candy chooses wrong and lands in Terry's empty room. Officers take Charlie into custody while Candy may lose her position under suspicion of aiding and abetting a fugitive. Patty expresses feelings of envy that Candy has two handsome friends like Archibad and Alistear to dance with, while she has no such friends. He tells her she should not feel so responsible over a stranger. Candy request her help to meet Terry, but Susanna lies that Terry is asleep and should not be disturbed. Just as the three of them leave, Margot returns, exhausted but exonerated, allowing Belle to stay in Graytown. Early morning, Candy sets out for the train station where to her surprise Alistear waits for her to give her a music box he made. Annie behaves well, while Candy is her cheeky self. Candy is thunderstruck to discover that her benefactor "Grandfather" William Albert Ardley has been hiding in plain sight the whole time, ever since she was in anguish over Annie being adopted away from Pony's Home. But it was a trap by Neil to lure Candy to an isolated, lakeside villa in an attempt to "win" her love. Candy fears the worst for Pony's Home. He hits Candy and is unwilling to spare any water for Klint or Candy's rose in the desert. When Candy introduces herself as Franny's friend, Mrs. Hamilton talks meanly of Franny for leaving her family behind to care for strangers. Marsha is an aristocrat and was never allowed to work. When Susanna Marlowe visits Terry in the morning, the landlady asks her to give him his mail and thereby discovers that Candy and Terry are in regular contact. Mrs. Pony is in perfect health, and Tom lied to divert her from Graytown and make her visit Pony's Home. As if that were not enough, great-aunt Elroy blames Candy for all the misfortune that has befallen the Ardleys: the death of Anthony, the disappearance of grandfather William and now Alistear having gone to France. Candy brushes him off, afraid that before long he will make fun of her. Asleep, Albert recalls the details of the train accident that took his memory. Candy returns to the construction site with the weakened Margot to take care of her as nurse. So, when Dr. Leonard proposes Candy to join the mobile hospital that travels with the workers laying the railroad, she volunteers, because she knows there will ne no one there who can remind her of Terry. He claims it are difficult conditions, not to mention full of criminals. When Candy steals away to the Other Pony's Hill to spend time with Klint, Terry finds Neil and his friends skulking around to find out her secret and scares them off in a fight. Anthony talks more about his mother who loved the horses as much as Candy. But Dr. Leonard is less forgiving, when he follows Candy home one night, after noticing Albert picking her up from work. The animated series was produced by Toei Animation. But then an urgent telegram orders Michael to return to France immediately to help out at the battle front. Sister Mary is anxious about her unexpected appearance. The first two episodes were dubbed into English, with a new theme song and score created by in-house composer Mark Mercury. The moment that Alistear dies in his plane, the music box in Patricia's hands stops playing too, and they fear the worst. When Tom puts on a rodeo for entertainment, he inadvertently reminds Candy of Anthony's performance, as well as the accident. Dr. Lenard wishes for Candy to remain safely behind, but she insists and argues to come with him. However, when Patricia breaks down during a picnic outing with all of them together and admits to pray for Alistear each morning in church, Alistear finally recognizes how Patricia feels. Terry runs after her, demanding to bring her to the station. After an argument with Mrs. Leagan, Mr. Leagan listens to Candy and she procures his consent for Klint to live in the stables and garden. Candy hopes Albert will talk Alistear out of enlisting, while Alistear hopes Albert will help to convince great-aunt Elroy to support Alistear's decision. While Annie recuperates from her fever, Candy and her make peace. Au Décibel. But as soon as she arrives at the Ardley mansion, Neil is there to catch her and be photographed. It is revealed that Annie Brighton writes letters to Archibald once a week. "The Decision That Robbed Me of Happiness". Tricked by Eliza, Candy gets locked up inside a dark room in a hallway that fits the description of Archibald's ghost story. By the time they manage to deliver Annie's package to Archibald, Candy's absence from her room has long been detected. It is an invitation to Tom's engagement banquet. They laugh, they are happy and then he stares at her intently. When they find Kint playing dead, Alistear has the idea that Klint could pretend to be a fur collar around Candy's neck. The series was first broadcast in Japan by TV Asahi from 1 October 1976 to 2 February 1979. Upset, Candy runs off with Jimmy in a rainstorm. But Terry is moping in his room and does not want to be disturbed by anyone.
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