as Translator See more documents of this work form. Scève, Maurice / Microcosme -- Erkenntnis; Scève, Maurice / Délie, obiect de plus haulte vertu -- Erkenntnis; Scève, Maurice / Microcosme; Scève, Maurice / Délie, obiect de plus haulte vertu; Peletier, Jacques; Confirm this request. He was the centre of the Lyonnese côterie that elaborated the theory of spiritual love, derived partly from Plato and partly from Petrarch. (1501 1564) scholar, poet Born in lyon, where he was, like pontus de tyard and sébillet, a member of the Lyonnais school, Maurice Scève, a friend of clément marot (after 1536), took part in the Barbe festivals, poetic celebrations dedicated Maurice Scève’s Microcosme, a long encyclopedic poem that describes the technical and moral progress of humanity, was published by Jean de Tournes in 1562, yet its final verses indicate that it was completed in 1559. Le Microcosme parut chez Tournes à Lyon en 1562, mais des indications assez sûres laissent penser que le texte fut rédigé en 1559. 1 To relate Renaissance garden architecture to poetry and rhetorics is not unprecedented. As its name suggests, the Microcosme was poetry on a grand scale, an encyclopedic work drawn from classical and biblical sources. -- 1562 -- livre. [sɛːv], Maurice, französischer Dichter, * Lyon zwischen 1500 und 1510 (1501? Scève, Maurice (1) Medientyp. Gefällt 26 Mal. Export to RefWorks; Export to EndNoteWeb; Export to EndNote; Export to BibTeX; Export to RIS; Export to Text ; Export to CSV; Add to favourites; Add to book bag Remove from book bag. Linked Data. [sɛːv], Maurice, französischer Dichter, * Lyon zwischen 1500 und 1510 (1501? (Paris: Union générale d'éditions, 1971), Vol. He was the centre of the Lyonnese côterie that elaborated the theory of spiritual love, derived partly from Plato and partly from Petrarch, which was enunciated in Antoine Héroet's Parfaicte Amye. 1300-1600) (1) Jahr. User-contributed reviews . Maurice Scève (* um 1500 in Lyon; † um 1560, ... (1547) und vor allem Microcosme, ein 3000 Verse langes enzyklopädisches Gedicht, das den Sündenfall Adams und Evas als Voraussetzung für die Entwicklung der menschlichen Fähigkeiten und damit allen Fortschritts sieht, den es an Beispielen darstellt (postum 1562 erschienen). Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 1 von 1. E-mail Citation » One of the first modern overviews of Scève’s life and works, this is divided chronologically into nine chapters addressing his youth and first literary successes, as well as his relations with the Lyonnais humanists and Marguerite de Navarre. Ce poème souvent qualifié de « scientifique » – mais l'épithète est insuffisante – se divise en trois livres de mille vers I shall comment here on the section of Microcosme Scève devotes to gardens. 1564), was a French poet active in Lyon during the Renaissance period. Œuvres complètes. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. Linked Data. ), ebenda zwischen 1560 und 1564; maßgebendes Mitglied der »École lyonnaise«, einer Lyoner Dichterschule, die neuplatonisches Ideengut mit Elementen petrakistischer… 2 pp. SCÈVE, MAURICE (c. 1500–1564), French poet, was born at Lyons, where his father practised law. Objet de plus haute vertu - Delie object de plus haulte vertu. Maurice Scève (* um 1500 in Lyon; † um 1560, ... (1547) und vor allem Microcosme, ein 3000 Verse langes enzyklopädisches Gedicht, das den Sündenfall Adams und Evas als Voraussetzung für die Entwicklung der menschlichen Fähigkeiten und damit allen Fortschritts sieht, den es an Beispielen darstellt (postum 1562 erschienen). Französisch (1) Französisch, Mitte (ca. 33-127; Enzo Giudici, ed., Le Microcosme de Maurice Scève (Paris: Vrin, 1976). Besides following his father's profession he was a painter, architect, musician and poet. Maurice Scève (c. 1500-c. 1564), French poet, was born at Lyon, where his father practised law.. 2 vols., Bibliothèque 10/18 Olivier de Magny dir. Maurice Scève’s encyclopaedic poem, Microcosme, has been eclipsed in fame by his other poetical masterpiece, Délie. In 1958 he published a critical edition of Scève's minor works and in 1976, "the first proper critical edition" - though considered today partial and dated - of Microcosme, Scève's last work. In 1958 he published a critical edition of Scève's minor works and in 1976, "the first proper critical edition" - though considered today partial and dated - of Microcosme, Scève's last work. Scève's chief works are Délie, objet de plus haulte vertu (1544); five anatomical blazons; the elegy Arion (1536) and the eclogue La Saulsaye (1547); and Microcosme (1562), an encyclopaedic poem beginning with the fall of man. Alle Medien müssen zunächst im HilKat bestellt werden und können am Folgetag abgeholt werden. Home to many wealthy banking families who had fled Italian city-states plagued by warring factions, Lyon also included a large German and Italian population responsible for the establishment of a thriving printing industry. JEAN DE TOURNES and MAURICE SCÈVE ... His epic-like work, the Microcosme, was probably finished in 1559 though not published until 1562 -- appropriately, by Jean de Tournes. Tags. Microcosme. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Add tags for "Microcosme". Des Weiteren verfasste Scève sog. Comme les autres ouvrages de Scève, ce poème a été publié sans nom d'auteur, mais personne n'a jamais douté qu'il fût de lui. Besides following his father's profession he was a painter, architect, musician and poet. You may have already requested this item. You may have already requested this item. Maurice th cent Scève, Michèle Clément; 2016; View via Publisher Cite Save Feed. Microcosme (Scève, Maurice) Holdings; Cite this; Email this; Export record. Buy Microcosme by Scève, Maurice (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. [Par Maurice Scève.] He was the centre of the Lyonnese coterie that elaborated the theory of spiritual love, derived partly from Plato and partly from Petrarch, which was enunciated in Antoine Heroet's Parfaicte Amye. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. » Show all volumes of the parent title. Beverley Ormerod; Maurice Scève, Microcosme, French Studies, Volume XXXIII, Issue suppl, 1 January 1980, Pages 626–627, Tome V. Microcosme. More information: Notice et cote du catalogue de la Bibliothèque nationale de France; Reviews. Maurice Scève's Délie, Tienen. Maurice Scève (c. 1500-1564), French poet, was born at Lyons, where his father practised law.. Maurice Scève (c. 1501–c. Délie. Maurice Scève (c. 1501–c. This is a separate volume of the parent title "Classiques jaunes". Be the first. Confirm this request. 1564), was a French poet active in Lyon during the Renaissance period. Le poète procède par des analogies : la femme est un « petit monde » -un microcosme- un petit corps par rapport à l’univers- le macrocosme. References [1] Recent modern editions of Microcosme are: Hans Staub, ed., Maurice Scève.Œuvres poétiques complètes. Des Weiteren verfasste Scève sog. Maurice Scève ; texte établi et commentépar Enzo Giudici. Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Réserve des livres rares, RES-YE-418 Paris: Champion, 1906. Coronavirus: Die Universitätsbibliothek ist ausschließlich für Ausleihe und Rückgabe geöffnet. Maurice th cent Scève, Michèle Clément; Art; 2013; View via Publisher Cite Save Feed. Select Your Cookie Preferences. Sortieren Sortieren der Suchergebnisse nach. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. Maurice Scève et la Renaissance lyonnaise: Étude d’histoire littéraire. Maurice Scève (c. 1500-c. 1564), French poet, was born at Lyon, where his father practised law. 2013 (1) Letzte Suchanfragen * Komplette Website durchsuchen Suchen Ergebnisse für * Es wurden 1 Ergebnisse gefunden. 2,3 . Microcosme (1562) Délie (1544) Grimalte y Gradisa (1536) with Maurice Scève (1501?-1560?) In 1981, he published an erudite edition of Louise Labé works, [G 12] considered "solid" and "luxuriant", [32] though it has been since deemed incomplete. An encyclopaedic poem. When Maurice Scève was born in 1501, Lyon was a thriving cosmopolitan city that enjoyed a reputation as an important economic and cultural center. ), ebenda zwischen 1560 und 1564; maßgebendes Mitglied der »École lyonnaise«, einer Lyoner Dichterschule, die neuplatonisches Ideengut mit Elementen petrakistischer… Buch (Monographie) (1) Sprache. Microcosme - Principes ­d’établissement du texte. schen Texten wie Microcosme von Maurice Scève, Os Lusíadas von Luís de Camões oder La Araucana von Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga, aber auch in weniger bekannten Gedichten von Le Fèvre de la Boderie, Jerónimo de Corte-Real, Bernardo de Balbuena oder Lope de Vega. Maurice Scève (* um 1500 in Lyon; † um 1560, vermutlich ebenfalls in Lyon) war ein französischer Dichter.Er gilt als der bedeutendste Vertreter der um 1550 blühenden sogenannten Lyoneser Dichterschule, deren einigendes geistiges Band die idealistische neuplatonische Vorstellung von Liebe war, die man aus Italien übernommen hatte.. Leben und Wirken SOUFFRIR NON SOUFFRIR There's a Daily Délie @