: MotorcyclesDLC: Name: PCJHash: -909201658Cat. : Trailer, Name: GrainTrailerHash: 1019737494Cat. : MuscleDLC: Lowrider, Name: NightshadeHash: -1943285540Cat. : SuperDLC: Drop Zone, Name: T20Hash: 1663218586Cat. : Industrial, Name: MixerHash: -784816453Cat. : Sports Classics, Name: MambaHash: -1660945322Cat. : Sports ClassicDLC: Gunrunning, Name: BTypeHash: 117401876Cat. : Sports Classics, Name: ToreroHash: 1504306544Cat. : Military, Name: Barracks3Hash: 630371791Cat. Toggles the vehicle UI (fuel / speedometer). : SportsDLC: Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit, Name: JesterHash: -1297672541Cat. : SedansDLC: I'm Not a Hipster, Name: WashingtonHash: 1777363799Cat. : Sports ClassicsDLC: The San Andreas Flight School, Name: Coquette3Hash: 784565758Cat. Bugatti Chiron 2019 The worlds fastest production car, imported directly into FiveM. : Emergency, Name: SheriffHash: -1683328900Cat. su34 : SuperDLC: Import / Export, Name: Nero2Hash: 1093792632Cat. : CompactsDLC: Cunning Stunts, Name: DilettanteHash: -1130810103Cat. : CompactsDLC: I'm Not a Hipster, Name: PrairieHash: -1450650718Cat. : Sports, Name: Schafter3Hash: -1485523546Cat. : Service, Name: TourbusHash: 1941029835Cat. : Emergency, Name: PoliceOld1Hash: -1536924937Cat. : Sedans, Name: Cog55Hash: 906642318Cat. 4.0. : MotorcyclesDLC: Gotten Gains Part 2, Name: VortexHash: -609625092Cat. : Cycles, Name: TriBike3Hash: -400295096Cat. : Emergency, Name: PoliceHash: 2046537925Cat. lav : MuscleDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: DukesHash: 723973206Cat. : Planes, Name: MiljetHash: 165154707Cat. : Off-Road, Name: Mesa3Hash: -2064372143Cat. ------------------------- kc10 m2a2 : Emergency, Name: PolmavHash: 353883353Cat. : SportsDLC: The Business, Name: BansheeHash: -1041692462Cat. : Trailer, Name: Trailers2Hash: -1579533167Cat. : Cycles, Name: AmbulanceHash: 1171614426Cat. : BoatsDLC: Gotten Gains Part 2, Name: Toro2Hash: 908897389Cat. : MotorcyclesDLC: Import / Export, Name: GargoyleHash: 741090084Cat. : Muscle, Name: RatLoader2Hash: -589178377Cat. Welcome to GTA5-Mods.com. : SuperDLC: Gunrunning, Name: Voltic2Hash: 989294410Cat. : Emergency, Name: FireTruckHash: 1938952078Cat. : HelicoptersDLC: Gotten Gains Part 1, Name: ValkyrieHash: -1600252419Cat. ty99 : Muscle, Name: Dominator2Hash: -915704871Cat. gonzo : Industrial, Name: FlatbedHash: 1353720154Cat. : Muscle, Name: GauntletHash: -1800170043Cat. : SUVs, Name: Cavalcade2Hash: -789894171Cat. Military Planes : Sports, Name: Seven70Hash: -1757836725Cat. : Boats, Name: Seashark2Hash: -616331036Cat. : Motorcycles, Name: NightbladeHash: -1606187161Cat. : SuperDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: SheavaHash: 819197656Cat. cougar4. A Discord vehicle white-list script for FiveM. : Emergency, Name: AnnihilatorHash: 837858166Cat. : Sports, Name: Feltzer3Hash: -1566741232Cat. : Coupes, Name: Sentinel2Hash: 873639469Cat. : Off-Road, Name: Blazer5Hash: -1590337689Cat. : Planes, Name: DodoHash: -901163259Cat. : Cycles, Name: TriBikeHash: 1127861609Cat. : Helicopters, Name: Frogger2Hash: 1949211328Cat. : Trailer, Name: TankerHash: -730904777Cat. : Off-Road, Name: MonsterHash: -845961253Cat. : SuperDLC: The Business, Name: TyrusHash: 2067820283Cat. : MuscleDLC: Gotten Gains Part 1, Name: VoodooHash: 2006667053Cat. We put the community ― both players, server owners, and the greater GTA modding community ― … mig29 You can get maps, vehicles, scripts, eup, tools, etc... on our website! : CommercialsDLC: Heists, Name: PackerHash: 569305213Cat. ah6 : Trailer, Name: PropTrailerHash: 356391690Cat. : Sedans, Name: StretchHash: -1961627517Cat. : SuperDLC: Cunning Stunts, Name: SultanRSHash: -295689028Cat. : PlanesDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: ShamalHash: -1214505995Cat. : Off-Road, Name: BrawlerHash: -1479664699Cat. f16xl We rely on our highly-trained development team to ensure top quality customer service for our customers. : Off-Road, Name: Blazer2Hash: -48031959Cat. : MotorcyclesDLC: Bikers, Name: CliffhangerHash: 390201602Cat. : HelicoptersDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: SwiftHash: -339587598Cat. gri : Industrial, Name: TipTruckHash: 48339065Cat. vtol : HelicoptersDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: VolatusHash: -1845487887Cat. You've come to the right place. : Helicopters, Name: CargobobHash: -50547061Cat. : SportsDLC: The High Life, Name: Massacro2Hash: -631760477Cat. : BoatsDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: MarquisHash: -1043459709Cat. : Emergency, Name: PoliceOld2Hash: -1779120616Cat. : Off-RoadDLC: Cunning Stunts, Name: TrophyTruck2Hash: -663299102Cat. : Trains, Name: FreightCarHash: 184361638Cat. : Trailer, Name: TVTrailerHash: -1770643266Cat. : Trains, Name: FreightGrainHash: 642617954Cat. 2020 Toyota 4Runner Features: -Working Dials -Breakable Windows -Working Suspension -Trailer Hitch -HQ Dirtmapping -FiveM Compatible SP Instructions First, go to gta5 / mods / update / x64 / dlcpacks Make a new folder, title it "4runner", and drag dlc.rpf into the folder. : Motorcycles, Name: SanchezHash: 788045382Cat. : CompactsDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: BriosoHash: 1549126457Cat. /sling: Toggles any equipped long gun or shotgun to be slung on your back (one at a time). : Boats, Name: SeasharkHash: -1030275036Cat. : Industrial, Name: DumpHash: -2130482718Cat. : SedansDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: CognoscentiHash: -2030171296Cat. We dedicate alot of time and effort to our work and want to help the FiveM-Community to the best of our abilities. oldcar2 : MuscleDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: PhoenixHash: -2095439403Cat. : Sports ClassicsDLC: Gotten Gains Part 2, Name: JB700Hash: 1051415893Cat. : SportsDLC: Import / Export, Name: CoquetteHash: 108773431Cat. : HelicoptersDLC: Heists, Name: Valkyrie2Hash: 1543134283Cat. : Helicopters, Name: SavageHash: -82626025Cat. su37 : Off-RoadDLC: Heists, Name: Insurgent3Hash: -1924433270Cat. : SportsDLC: Last Team Standing, Name: FusiladeHash: 499169875Cat. By Raxslux. Building upon years of development on the Cfx.re framework, which has existed in various forms since 2014, FiveM is the original community-driven and source-available GTA V multiplayer modification project. : SedansDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: EmperorHash: -685276541Cat. from the ashes of other communities who have fallen, we stand tall, proud, and loyal to the friendships and interactions we've built over the years. 2s19 : MotorcyclesDLC: Bikers, Name: RuffianHash: -893578776Cat. : PlanesDLC: Heists, Name: Luxor2Hash: -1214293858Cat. : Off-RoadDLC: Gunrunning, Name: TrophyTruckHash: 101905590Cat. Mad Max : SuperDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: PrototipoHash: 2123327359Cat. : Sports Classics, Name: PigalleHash: 1078682497Cat. : Sports Classics, Name: StingerGTHash: -2098947590Cat. : Sports, Name: ElegyHash: 196747873Cat. : Off-RoadDLC: Gotten Gains Part 2, Name: DLoaderHash: 1770332643Cat. -------------------------. ah1z mh60s FiveMods.net the place to get the best resources for your FiveM server. : MilitaryDLC: Gunrunning, Name: AkumaHash: 1672195559Cat. : Motorcycles, Name: ChimeraHash: 6774487Cat. m1a2 : Commercials, Name: HaulerHash: 1518533038Cat. : SportsDLC: Festive Surprise, Name: KhamelionHash: 544021352Cat. We hope we can get your opinion Just to improve the quality of your server. https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/fivem/353899-fivem-wannabehacker-cheat-engine-hack-table-menu.html : MotorcyclesDLC: Cunning Stunts, Name: Daemon2Hash: -1404136503Cat. : MotorcyclesDLC: Last Team Standing, Name: HexerHash: 301427732Cat. e3 : MotorcyclesDLC: Import / Export, Name: FcrHash: 627535535Cat. : MuscleDLC: Lowrider, Name: Faction3Hash: -2039755226Cat. : Sports ClassicsDLC: Bikers, Name: ZTypeHash: 75889561Cat. : Trains, Name: FreightCont2Hash: 240201337Cat. : HelicoptersDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: Supervolito2Hash: -1671539132Cat. : MotorcyclesDLC: Bikers, Name: NemesisHash: -634879114Cat. Here at Leaked Vehicles we do not believe you should have to pay to get access to nice vehicles, or have to move your way up a ranking system to access more and better vehicles. : Sports, Name: Comet3Hash: -2022483795Cat. : ServiceDLC: Cunning Stunts, Name: RentalBusHash: -1098802077Cat. : Motorcycles, Name: InnovationHash: -159126838Cat. : SuperDLC: Gotten Gains Part 2, Name: TempestaHash: 272929391Cat. : SportsDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: ArdentHash: 159274291Cat. akaciya. : CommercialsDLC: Gunrunning, Name: PounderHash: 2112052861Cat. : Utility, Name: ScrapHash: -1700801569Cat. humvee1 This vehicle is optimized for use on FiveM servers, is FiveM ready and doesn't put a load on your server. : Sports ClassicsDLC: The Valentine Day Massacre, Name: BType2Hash: -831834716Cat. Updated 22 hours ... GHOST HAWAII POLICE CAR FROM THE KAUAI POLICE DEPARTMENT By Tbrown392 in Vehicle Models. vehicles in their neighborhoods, but speed humps really just shift the problem to another street. osprey : PlanesDLC: The Business, Name: Baller3Hash: 1878062887Cat. : MuscleDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: TampaHash: 972671128Cat. : Motorcycles, Name: AvarusHash: -2115793025Cat. deathdune : Emergency, Name: FBI2Hash: -1647941228Cat. : SuperDLC: Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit, Name: RE7BHash: -1232836011Cat. : Muscle, Name: SlamVanHash: 729783779Cat. ------------------------- policedukes varsuk : Emergency, Name: PolicebHash: -34623805Cat. : Industrial, Name: APCHash: 562680400Cat. : BoatsDLC: Beach Bum, Name: Speeder2Hash: 437538602Cat. : Trailer, Name: BoatTrailerHash: 524108981Cat. : Utility, Name: RipleyHash: -845979911Cat. You can get maps, vehicles, scripts, eup, tools, etc... on our website! warrig warrigt : Utility, Name: BoxvilleHash: -1987130134Cat. : Coupes, Name: WindsorHash: 1581459400Cat. : PlanesDLC: The San Andreas Flight School, Name: NimbusHash: -1295027632Cat. : Motorcycles, Name: EnduroHash: 1753414259Cat. : Off-Road, Name: Sandking2Hash: 989381445Cat. polfmj All webstore vehicles will be put instantly into your garage after successful checkout, meaning you will be able to drive this car within minutes at any time of the day! : SuperDLC: Gunrunning, Name: ArmyTankerHash: -1207431159Cat. : Sports ClassicsDLC: The Valentine's Day2, Name: CascoHash: 941800958Cat. peel : SedansDLC: I'm Not a Hipster, Name: IntruderHash: 886934177Cat. : Commercials, Name: StockadeHash: 1747439474Cat. : Helicopters, Name: Cargobob2Hash: 1621617168Cat. : Sedans, Name: GlendaleHash: 75131841Cat. : Helicopters, Name: MaverickHash: -1660661558Cat. : Industrial, Name: GuardianHash: -2107990196Cat. : Sports Classics, Name: CheetahHash: -1311154784Cat. ------------------------- uh1d : Sedans, Name: WarrenerHash: 1373123368Cat. : BoatsDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: BensonHash: 2053223216Cat. fury : Utility, Name: Caddy2Hash: -537896628Cat. : VansDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: Youga2Hash: 1026149675Cat. : Sedans, Name: AirbusHash: 1283517198Cat. : Motorcycles, Name: SanctusHash: 1491277511Cat. ------------------------- 1 Vehicle Models. Name: Dinghy3Hash: 509498602Cat. : SuperDLC: The High Life, Name: ItaligtbHash: -2048333973Cat. : Planes, Name: Velum2Hash: 1077420264Cat. : Vans, Name: GBurritoHash: -1745203402Cat. : Industrial, Name: CutterHash: -1006919392Cat. : SedansDLC: Lowrider, Name: StanierHash: -1477580979Cat. : MotorcyclesDLC: Bikers, Name: ZombieaHash: -1009268949Cat. : Utility, Name: Caddy3Hash: -769147461Cat. : MuscleDLC: Gunrunning, Name: VirgoHash: -498054846Cat. : BoatsDLC: Heists, Name: Dinghy4Hash: 867467158Cat. CyberBismo November 28, 2018, 12:39pm #25. bf109 hh60g Handling; 4.4 18,193 79 Realistic Handling Pack (non CGR) 6.1. : SportsDLC: Cunning Stunts, Name: MassacroHash: -142942670Cat. spitfire a10a -------------------------. : Helicopters, Name: Cargobob4Hash: 2025593404Cat. st50 : Utility, Name: TowTruckHash: -1323100960Cat. : CoupesDLC: Gotten Gains Part 1, Name: Windsor2Hash: -1930048799Cat. : HelicoptersDLC: Heists, Name: SkyliftHash: 1044954915Cat. : Muscle, Name: Gauntlet2Hash: 349315417Cat. : PlanesDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: HydraHash: 970385471Cat. : Sports, Name: Buffalo3Hash: 237764926Cat. : Sports ClassicsDLC: Heists, Name: Cheetah2Hash: 223240013Cat. - five-m/Vehicles crabkhaki : Off-RoadDLC: Gunrunning, Name: KalahariHash: 92612664Cat. oldcar5 This page was last edited on 12 July 2019, at 05:00. : SUV'sDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: XLS2Hash: -432008408Cat. The first 3 digits of a ZIP code determine the central mail processing facility, also called sectional center facility or "sec center", that is used to process and sort mail. : SportsDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: CarbonizzareHash: 2072687711Cat. : Utility, Name: Tractor3Hash: 1445631933Cat. : SUVsDLC: I'm Not a Hipster, Name: HuntleyHash: 486987393Cat. Hq Normals! uh1y : Industrial, Name: RubbleHash: -1705304628Cat. : Trailer, Name: RakeTrailerHash: 390902130Cat. : CoupesDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: ScorcherHash: -186537451Cat. Military Land. : MuscleDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: Dukes2Hash: -326143852Cat. ------------------------- Mod Description I Present you, The 2021 AT4, Extremely HQ vehicle, Unique interior, uvmapped leather, 2 tone black and gray int textures. ------------------------- Support the server and get your hands on a FiveM vehicle added directly to your OzzyGaming garage in-game. t90a All webstore vehicles will be put instantly into your garage after successful checkout, meaning you will be able to drive this car within minutes at any time of the day! e145f Name: Oppressor2Hash: 884483972Cat. oldcar1 : SportsDLC: Bikers, Name: RustonHash: 719660200Cat. tiger crabkhaki. : MuscleDLC: Lowrider, Name: Moonbeam2Hash: 1896491931Cat. : Sedans, Name: Emperor3Hash: -1241712818Cat. : PlanesDLC: The San Andreas Flight School, Name: Blimp2Hash: -613725916Cat. : Off-RoadDLC: Gunrunning, Name: Dune4Hash: -827162039Cat. : SportsDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: SchwarzerHash: -746882698Cat. : Off-Road, Name: TechnicalHash: -2096818938Cat. : UtilityDLC: Gunrunning, Name: DocktugHash: -884690486Cat. : CompactsDLC: I'm Not a Hipster, Name: CogCabrioHash: 330661258Cat. inter : MotorcyclesDLC: Bikers, Name: CarbonRSHash: 11251904Cat. : SuperDLC: Import / Export, Name: ZentornoHash: -1403128555Cat. : Off-RoadDLC: Import / Export, Name: Technical3Hash: 1356124575Cat. FiveM IsControlPressed keys. : MuscleDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: FactionHash: -2119578145Cat. : Sports Classics, Name: MonroeHash: -433375717Cat. : MilitaryDLC: Gunrunning, Name: Trailersmall2Hash: -1881846085Cat. : MotorcyclesDLC: Bikers, Name: BaggerHash: -2140431165Cat. : Motorcycles, Name: Bati2Hash: -891462355Cat. : Sports ClassicDLC: I'm Not a Hipster, Name: StingerHash: 1545842587Cat. pl01desert : Off-RoadDLC: Import / Export, Name: Dune5Hash: -312295511Cat. Then we got to do something about that . : SportsDLC: Import / Export, Name: Specter2Hash: 1074745671Cat. : Utility, Name: TowTruck2Hash: -442313018Cat. lec : BoatsDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: ToroHash: 1070967343Cat. : Trains, Name: FreightCont1Hash: 920453016Cat. : Off-Road, Name: RancherXL2Hash: 1933662059Cat. : SUVs, Name: ContenderHash: 683047626Cat. : Motorcycles, Name: RatbikeHash: 1873600305Cat. Military Land : Coupes, Name: SentinelHash: 1349725314Cat. t390 : Trains, Name: TankerCarHash: 586013744Cat. : MuscleDLC: Lowrider, Name: BfInjectionHash: 1126868326Cat. : SuperDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: ReaperHash: 234062309Cat. Police /anchor: Drops ye ol' hook, matey. : SportsDLC: Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit, Name: Schafter2Hash: -1255452397Cat. They are not available because FiveM doesnt run that version of GTA yet Aka those vehicle dont exist in FiveM. : Helicopters, Name: SupervolitoHash: 710198397Cat. : Trailer, Name: CableCarHash: -960289747Cat. : SportsDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: BuffaloHash: -304802106Cat. : SportsDLC: Festive Surprise, Name: Ninef2Hash: -1461482751Cat. : SuperDLC: Import / Export, Name: OsirisHash: 1987142870Cat. : SuperDLC: Gotten Gains Part 1, Name: PenetratorHash: -1758137366Cat. : BoatsDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: SubmersibleHash: 771711535Cat. By ChunLi. : MilitaryDLC: Gunrunning, Name: BarracksHash: -823509173Cat. : Commercials, Name: BiffHash: 850991848Cat. : MotorcyclesDLC: Last Team Standing, Name: LectroHash: 640818791Cat. Converted with Love BY RAZ3R. : ServiceDLC: Heists, Name: AlphaHash: 767087018Cat. cha2 : Off-Road, Name: Rebel2Hash: -2045594037Cat. : Off-RoadDLC: Heists, Name: Technical2Hash: 1180875963Cat. : SUVsDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: Baller6Hash: 666166960Cat. : Coupes, Name: Oracle2Hash: -511601230Cat. : Sedans, Name: TailgaterHash: -1008861746Cat. : Commercials, Name: Hauler2Hash: 387748548Cat. : MuscleDLC: Festive Surprise, Name: SlamVan2Hash: 833469436Cat. 2s19. CaraCara Special Edition This is a modified version of the classic GTA 5 CaraCara. : SportsDLC: Cunning Stunts, Name: TroposHash: 1887331236Cat. : SportsDLC: Drop Zone, Name: BestiaGTSHash: 1274868363Cat. : Compacts, Name: Blista2Hash: 1039032026Cat. growler : VansDLC: Beach Bum, Name: Rumpo3Hash: 1475773103Cat. ac130u pollambo : VansDLC: Import / Export, Name: Burrito3Hash: -1743316013Cat. doofwagon : Off-RoadDLC: Gunrunning, Name: RancherXLHash: 1645267888Cat. : ServiceDLC: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, Name: CoachHash: -2072933068Cat. jf17 Our catalog is always growing so check back often. FiveM Ready vehicles, Download or use git to add it on your server. cougar4 : Off-RoadDLC: Upgrade Console to PC, Name: Mesa2Hash: -748008636Cat. : Emergency, Name: Police4Hash: -1973172295Cat. : Trailer, Name: TRFlatHash: -1352468814Cat. : Utility, Name: UtilliTruck2Hash: 887537515Cat. f117 : MuscleDLC: Halloween, Name: MoonbeamHash: 525509695Cat. FiveM and NON ELS FiveM Ready By Puck in Vehicle Models. sherman : Sports, Name: RaptorHash: -674927303Cat. : Cycles, Name: TriBike2Hash: -1233807380Cat. : SuperDLC: Cunning Stunts, Name: NeroHash: 1034187331Cat. : BoatsDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: SpeederHash: 231083307Cat. : Commercials, Name: BlistaHash: -344943009Cat. : Industrial, Name: Mixer2Hash: 475220373Cat. : MuscleDLC: Import / Export, Name: SabreGTHash: -1685021548Cat. : MuscleDLC: Gotten Gains Part 2, Name: Chino2Hash: -1361687965Cat. : Utility, Name: ForkliftHash: 1491375716Cat. Today Stephen Sharer wanted to be like his brother Carter Sharer so he went to his family basement, all the way to the sharer bros toy chest, and pulled out a new rc car. : Off-RoadDLC: Import / Export, Name: Bodhi2Hash: -1435919434Cat. : MotorcyclesDLC: The High Life, Name: VaderHash: -140902153Cat. : Off-Road, Name: MarshallHash: 1233534620Cat. If you require support with this model then feel free to join the discord and ask for assistance: discord.gg/ASxnTpvsgR : Off-RoadDLC: Import / Export, Name: InsurgentHash: -1860900134Cat. c5msg : VansDLC: Bikers, https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Vehicle_Models&oldid=43262. Poly: 269k If you want the Dev Model of this vehicle / Unlocked Model get it HERE. : Off-RoadDLC: Independence Day, Name: NightsharkHash: 433954513Cat. : Sports ClassicDLC: Gunrunning, Name: Coquette2Hash: 1011753235Cat. : BoatsDLC: Executives and other Criminals, Name: TugHash: -2100640717Cat. : Off-Road, Name: RebelHash: -1207771834Cat. : Sports, Name: Comet2Hash: -1045541610Cat. : Emergency, Name: PBusHash: -2007026063Cat.