Gossip. The ruling by the I.C.C. Son père a six enfants de l'une de ses épouses (la mère de Fatou) et sept enfants de sa seconde épouse . Après sa fonction dans le régime de Yahya Jammeh, elle ouvre un cabinet d'avocat et prend la direction d'une banque de 2000 à 2002. L'islam, comme vous le savez, est une religion de paix et il vous donne cette force intérieure, cette capacité intérieure et un sens de la justice. “She always struck us a very thoughtful person of great intellect,” says Human Rights Watch senior counsel Liz Evenson. La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) se déclare effectivement compétente le 5 février 2021 pour les faits survenus dans les territoires palestiniens occupés, ce qui pourrait conduire à une enquête pour crimes de guerre. Fatou Bensouda condemns ‘unacceptable’ U.S. sanctions Dec 16, 2020, 1:27 PM | Article By: Sankulleh Gibril Janko The outgoing chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, has blasted what she called “unacceptable sanctions” imposed on her and members of her office by the Trump administration. Elle est interdite de visa par le gouvernement américain à partir d'avril 2019. Before joining the ICTR, she was General Manager of a leading commercial bank in The Gambia. Fatou Bensouda a popular and well-known celebrity in Gambia. És fiscal de la Cort Penal Internacional des de juny de 2012, després d'haver servit com a fiscal adjunta a càrrec de la Divisió de la Fiscalia de la Cort Penal Internacional des de 2004. If you want to be acknowledged about the biography of Fatou Bensouda, then check this part out. ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda is seeking to retain lawyer Paul Gicheru’s mobile phone, saying that it may contain crucial evidence. Fatou Bom Bensouda (/ f ɑː ˈ t uː b ɛ n ˈ s oʊ d ə /; née Nyang; born 31 January 1961) is a Gambian lawyer and international criminal law prosecutor.. She has been the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC from 2004. “These attacks constitute an escalation and an unacceptable attempt to interfere with the rule of law and the court’s judicial proceedings,” Bensouda Elle est mariée à un économiste et géographe maroco-gambien[3], devenu industriel. She has served as delegate to United Nations conferences on crime prevention, the Organization of African Unity’s Ministerial Meetings on Human Rights, and as delegate of The Gambia to the meetings of the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court. June 2016. 912. « l’une des 50 femmes africaines qui, de par leurs actions et leurs initiatives dans le cadre de leurs fonctions respectives, font avancer le continent africain (2014 et 2015) ». But the two fell out and Mr Jammeh sacked her about two years later. Sister Speaks. After attending both her primary and secondary education in Gambia, Bensouda pursued a Bachelor of Law degree at the University of Ife in Nigeria between 1982 and 1986. While filing her submissions on the Kenyan lawyer’s conditional release case, Bensouda stated that personal items seized during Gicheru’s arrest could be returned apart from his mobile phone. u B. Bensouda is a Gambian lawyer former government civil servant international criminal law prosecutor and legal adviser. News. Read more. Elle y est d'abord procureure adjointe du procureur général Luis Moreno Ocampo[1], puis elle lui succède, comme procureure générale le 12 décembre 2011, et prête officiellement serment le 15 juin 2012. Fatou Bensouda wants to open investigation into alleged war crimes, including by US troops Published: 5 Apr 2019 . Check out our list of the month's most anticipated films and shows to stream from home. Elle avait affirmé ses intentions de mener une enquête sur le conflit israélo-palestinien qu'elle décrit comme « une enquête sur la situation en Palestine » et que des responsables israéliens, ainsi que des groupes armés palestiniens, avaient peut-être commis des crimes de guerre dans les zones revendiquées par les Palestiniens[20]. “She was relieved of her duties while she was abroad,” Gambian opposition leader Ousainou Darboe told the BBC. La même année, elle est nommée conseillère auprès du gouvernement de Gambie de Dawda Jawara. Ms Bensouda had previously held the position of ICC Deputy Prosecutor (Prosecutions), having been elected with an overwhelming majority by the Assembly of States Parties on 8 August 2004 and serving as such until May 2012. Charter of the International Military Tribunal, Annex to the Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis, London, 8 August 1945, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. Besides being the first African and first woman to be the chief prosecutor at the ICC, in her native Gambia she was country’s first expert in international maritime law and the law of the sea. On 12 December 2011, Ms Fatou Bensouda of The Gambia was elected by consensus Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court by the Assembly of States Parties. Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of The Gambia and member of The Gambia Bar Association. And Fatou Bensouda has been desperately trying to quash these complaints – the technical term is referrals – to the ICC. “Having spoken to numerous individuals involved in the ICC, from OTP [Office of The Prosecutor] staff to legal officers in chambers to defence attorneys, it is clear that Bensouda was the primary reason that the OTP didn’t fall completely apart over the past eight years.”, “I have also had the good fortune to spend time with Bensouda over the past couple of years. Born in Banjul, Gambi on 31 January 1961; Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree (University of Ife, 1986) Barrister-at-Law (BL) professional qualification (Nigeria Law School, 1987) Master of laws in International Maritime Law … Post was not sent - check your email addresses! in The Hague came six years […] Higher post in 2022 polls? 912. Après une scolarité secondaire brillante, elle devient quelque temps greffière au tribunal de Banjul[4]. Member of the Coalition of Human Rights Defenders, The Gambia, 2000 – 2003. Who is Abubacarr Tambadou? Fatou Bensouda’s Bio. Bensouda said she had been “proud” to have worked with Mr Moreno-Ocampo and so may not bring a radically different approach. George Bensouda is pictured in a Sept. 9, 2015 booking photo after an arrest in Maplewood for misdemeanor assault and disorderly conduct. Cite this Page: Citation. Fatou Bensouda is a Gambian lawyer civil servant. From here, she positioned hers… Image/Courtesy “As you are aware, on April 5, 2016, Trial Chamber V (A) vacated the charges against William Samuel Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang, without prejudice to the Prosecution bringing a new case in the future, or in a different form, in light of new evidence,” Bensouda told the Nation. She has been the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC since 2004 and having been minister of justice of The Gambia. “The AU has been adamant that an African candidate would be selected, and they got their wish,” writes UK-based law blogger Mark Kersten on the Justice in Conflict blog. In this file photo taken on September 29, 2015 at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague shows ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda whose office … Society. The appointment of Mrs Bensouda, who has been Mr Moreno-Ocampo’s deputy throughout his tenure, was unanimously approved at a meeting of the legislative body of the ICC, the Assembly of States Parties (ASP), in New York. Fatou Bom Bensouda (Banjul; 31 de gener de 1961) és una advocada gambiana, que va exercir com a Fiscal General i Ministra de Justícia a la República de Gàmbia. Ms Bensouda was sworn in on 15 June 2012. Friday 05 April 2019 19:54. Ms Bensouda was sworn in on 15 June 2012. Le 2 septembre 2020, Fatou Bensouda est listée dans la base de données des personnalités faisant l'objet de sanctions des États-Unis (liste SDN), ce qui interdit à tous les citoyens et les entreprises américaines de faire des affaires avec elle[22]. Between 1987 and 2000, she was successively Senior State Counsel, Principal State Counsel, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Solicitor General and Legal Secretary of the Republic, and Attorney General and Minister of Justice, in which capacity she served as Chief Legal Advisor to the President and Cabinet of The Republic of The Gambia. Son père a six enfants de l'une de ses épouses (la mère de Fatou) et sept enfants de sa seconde épouse[3]. All Rights Reserved. Read Fatou Bom Bensouda Biography and Profile. Fatou Bensouda was born on January 31, 1961. Tá máistreacht sa dlí muirí idirnáisiúnta agus dlí na farraige aici.. Gairm. Fatou Bom Bensouda (* 31.Januar 1961 in Bathurst) ist eine gambische Juristin und seit dem 15. The superstar has a large fan base in different countries. Fatou Bom Bensouda nee Nyang (amụrụ ya n' abali 31 na Ọnwa mbụ 1961). Fatou Bensouda, born 31 January 1961, a Gambian lawyer, and the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor. They were Andrew Cayley, the British co-prosecutor at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia; Tanzania’s chief justice Mohamed Chande Othman; and Canadian war crimes specialist Robert Petit. Mrs Bensouda, a former senior legal adviser at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, which is trying key figures responsible for the 1994 genocide in the Central African state, got the job ahead of three other short-listed candidates. Fatou Bensouda naît à Banjul au sein d'une famille musulmane polygame[2]. She told the BBC’s Newshour programme that her African background would give her an additional insight into life on the continent, which would help her perform her new job. Sister Speaks. The Hub. Colin Drury @colin__drury. Après trois années d'activité professionnelle, en 1990 elle s'inscrit à l'International Maritime Law Institute basé à Malte, une agence des Nations Unies qui lui décerne son diplôme de droit maritime en 1991[6]. January 7, 2019. Son père est fonctionnaire, sa mère travaille dans le service de restauration scolaire d'un lycée . Fatou Bensouda’s son killed in US. Le 12 décembre 2011, Mme Fatou Bensouda, originaire de la Gambie, a été élue par consensus Procureur de la Cour pénale internationale par l'Assemblée des États parties. Biography Lecture Series The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: Successes, Challenges and the Promise of International Criminal Justice Fatou Bensouda, deputy prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, lost her son to gun violence when he was shot outside a St. Paul, MN, bar earlier this year. She has been the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC since 2004 and having been minister of justice of The Gambia. Biography. Ils ont deux enfants[25]. Dresden, Germany. Fatou Bom Bensouda (/fɑːˈtuː bɛnˈsoʊdə/; née Nyang; born 31 January 1961) is a Gambian lawyer has been the International Criminal Court's (ICC) chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC since 2004 and having been minister of justice of The Gambia. Biographie. Last of a series However, Senator Trillanes, thru his staff, expressed uneasiness that Lascanas had access to me thru email. És fiscal de la Cort Penal Internacional des de juny de 2012, després d'haver servit com a fiscal adjunta a càrrec de la Divisió de la Fiscalia de la Cort Penal Internacional des de 2004. The Hub. Elle est promue en 1996 procureur principal, jusqu'en 1998 où elle devient procureur général de Banjul et ministre de la Justice du gouvernement gambien[5],[8], fonction qu'elle occupe jusqu’à son licenciement en mars 2000. There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the distinguished International Court of Justice (ICJ) International Jurists Award (2009), presented by the then-President of India, P D Patil; the 2011 World Peace Through Law Award presented by the Whitney Harris World Law Institute, the American Society of International Law’s Honorary Membership Award (2014), the XXXV Peace Prize by the UN Association of Spain (2015), and the Praeses Elit Award (2015). Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Fatou Bensouda speaks during the presentation of the Dresden Prize at the Semperoper in Dresden, Germany, 16 February 2014. She has been the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC since 2004. Fatou Bom Bensouda is a Gambian lawyer and international criminal law prosecutor. Fatou Bensouda has been investigating possible war crimes – including torture – committed by American forces in Afghanistan. Puis à la Nigerian Law School de Lagos, où, en 1987, elle obtient un diplôme de droit, dit barrister at law[5]. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 9 février 2021 à 16:12. Fatou Bensouda, Self: A Man Can Make a Difference. Fatou Bom Bensouda (; née Nyang; born 31 January 1961) is a Gambian lawyer and international criminal law prosecutor. Duine de bhunadh na Gaimbia is ea Bensouda. July 18, 2017. She has held positions of Legal Adviser and Trial Attorney at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). Fatou Bensouda, I.C.C. 2020-01-23. Fatou B. Bensouda (born 31 January 1961) is a Gambian lawyer, former government civil servant, international criminal law prosecutor and legal adviser. Yet the ICC’s various organs – including the presidency and registry – were headed by people from other continents. ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda. Après le coup d'État de juillet 1994, elle joue un rôle central en tant que solliciteur général et conseillère juridique auprès du président Yahya Jammeh. International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has admitted to writing a newspaper opinion column on Kenyan cases for her predecessor Louis Moreno Ocampo long after he left the court. One year later, Bensouda graduated as a Barrister-at-Law from the Nigeria Law School. Mme Bensouda a pris ses fonctions le 15 juin 2012. En mai 2002, elle devient conseillère juridique et substitut du procureur au Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda, à Arusha en Tanzanie[18]. Fatou Bensouda a « catégoriquement nié » les accusations concernant son rôle dans les crimes et les cas de tortures commis par le régime dont elle faisait partie[17]. A senior lecturer at the Melbourne Law School in Australia, Kevin Jon Heller, says Mr Cayley would have been an “excellent” chief prosecutor, but Mrs Bensouda was also “very qualified” for the job. Avec mon expérience, cela aidera beaucoup »[27]. It looks like we don't have any Biography for Fatou Bensouda yet. Fatou Bensouda Quotes: I am a victim-oriented person. Depuis 2004, elle est en poste à la Cour pénale internationale de La Haye. Ms Bensouda holds a masters degree in International Maritime Law and Law of The Sea and as such is the first international maritime law expert of The Gambia. In 2017, Fatou Bensouda announced her intention to investigate alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by U.S. military personnel … Abubacarr Tambadou Biography. Fatou Bensouda. Bensouda was born in 1961 as Fatou Nyang into a polygamous family in The Gambia’s capital, Banjul. She has been the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC since 2004. A complaint was filed with her office. Gossip. 1/7/2021. En 1987, elle est admise au barreau en Gambie. 16th Feb, 2014. Born: January 31, 1961. Fatou Bensouda est très jeune intéressée par la défense des droits des personnes, notamment des femmes et assiste à des procès[3]. Ms Bensouda also took part in negotiations on the treaty of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the West African Parliament and the ECOWAS Tribunal. News. The superstar has a large fan base in different countries. Fatou Bensouda, originally from The Gambia, told Voice of America that she would not be swayed from her mission of prosecuting international war criminals. “She is a fantastic person, and showed genuine concern about human rights issues [in The Gambia].”. Fatou Bensouda’s son killed in US. Juni 2012 Chefanklägerin beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag.Zuvor war Bensouda stellvertretende Anklägerin beim IStGH, von 1998 bis 2000 war sie Justizministerin in Gambia. That means she is currently 58 years old. fatou bensouda haberleri ve fatou bensouda hakkında en güncel gelişmeleri Haber 7'de takip edin. This … Charter of the International Military Tribunal, Annex to the Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis, London, 8 August 1945, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. Fatou Bensouda grew in Banjul (Bathurst) Gambia in a polygamous Muslim family of more than a dozen children. Biographie Enfance. Politicians and pundits alike have roundly criticized Donald Trump for stating he will pull our troops out of Syria and cut US forces in Afghanistan by half. Check out our list of the month's most anticipated films and shows to stream from home. As Trump Orders US Out of Afghanistan, Notorious CIA-Backed Units Will Remain. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Abubacarr Tambadou, Gambian Attorney General, was born 12 December 1972. July 18, 2017. Related Authors. En février 1994, elle obtient un poste de procureur. Fatou Bensouda. Prior to her work at the International Criminal Court, Ms Bensouda worked as Legal Adviser and Trial Attorney at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha, Tanzania, rising to the position of Senior Legal Advisor and Head of The Legal Advisory Unit. Dr Fatou Bensouda She is the first woman to assume the position. Fatou Bensouda est musulmane pratiquante[26]. Interrogée en 2011 sur le rôle de l'islam dans sa nouvelle fonction de procureure générale, elle a répondu : « Absolument, définitivement. Find on Amazon: Fatou Bensouda. Links. Après être sortie du gouvernement gambien, Fatou Bensouda obtient d'autres diplômes, notamment en novembre 2001 un diplôme en bénévolat au sein du Comité international olympique à New York, ainsi qu'un diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) 1er degré délivré par le ministère de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation Nationale et de la Recherche de la République française[7]. Biography. Her father, Gaye Nyang, worked as a government driver and occasionally promoted wrestling matches. Fatou Bensouda, Self: A Man Can Make a Difference. NEWSLETTER: Subscribe For Content Like This And More. I like to see that the victims know that they have a voice. The 33-year-old Emmanuel Jal … Fatou Bensouda was born on January 31, 1961. Fatou Bensouda has been investigating possible war crimes – including torture – committed by American forces in Afghanistan. By MIKE CORDER December 14, 2020 GMT. Fatou Bensouda a popular and well-known celebrity in Gambia. She has been the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC … Be the first to contribute! History. Fatou Bensouda ( Fatou Bom Bensouda), born 31 January 1961, a Gambian lawyer, former government civil servant, international criminal law prosecutor and legal adviser. Colin Drury @colin__drury. Daily Poem. Fatou Bom Bensouda, née le 31 janvier 1961 à Banjul, est une avocate gambienne, procureure générale de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)[1], après en avoir été pendant huit ans procureure-adjointe. Fatou Bensouda: From dictator's legal adviser to ICC chief prosecutor. “She offers the best of both worlds – an ICC insider who offers institutional continuity, which will be critical in the coming years, but has a strong, independent voice that has not been tainted by Moreno-Ocampo’s incompetent tenure,” he writes on the Opinio Juris blog. Fatou Bom Bensouda (/ f ɑː ˈ t uː b ɛ n ˈ s oʊ d ə /; née Nyang; born 31 January 1961) is a Gambian lawyer and international criminal law prosecutor.. She has been the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC from 2004.
fatou bensouda biographie