Photos larger than 8Mb will be reduced. Lets get into it! FNaF (1) FNaF 2. Failed to report flower. Elizabeth Afton, the daughter? by x_Clara_Afton_x; Add yourself as a marshmallow! Are you sure that you want to remove this flower? Thanks for your help! Clara afton is the loving mother of the afton family, when she later finds out that william has killed kids, she drove away from him. It basically says that Michael is the youngest Afton and Chris is the oldest. I am so proud of this edit!1!1!1! Your account has been locked for 30 minutes due to too many failed sign in attempts. If you have questions, please contact Translation on Find a Grave is an ongoing project. Try again. Please reset your password. FNAF The unofficial Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. He is voiced by Erik Von Detten. He is the youngest brother of Michael and Elizabeth. Add to library 48 Discussion 417. To suggest a change to a cemetery page, visit the Cemetery Corrections forum. As you know my father is William Afton, then I have an older brother named Mike Afton. But when Will was 9 he started to do chores and he got beat by his Uncle every single day, even if he did everything right, which he did every time. === . 2 months ago Liz Afton . It could be a happy or toxic (abusive) relationship. Family members linked to this person will appear here. The Afton Family are the main antagonists of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, and friends turned enemies of the Emily Family. Elizabeth was mentioned by Chloe in Part 146. For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. FNaF 3. Aaaajanwiazmj Don't worry William and Clara meets William's fangirls/Fanboy will be soon- while she wasn't looking, her car drove off a cliff, leaving her dead. Jul 3, 2020 - Explore Lizzy J's board Although Mrs. Afton status is currently unknown. You may not upload any more photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 20 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 5 photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 30 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 20 photos to this memorial. That is all i know and learned about them(T-T) !! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 1. To be with me again i don t understand i don t understand everything is okay. Try again later. Oct 2, 2020 - Ok ok I admit. 2021-02-04T04:29:41Z Comment by ꧁Clara_Afton꧂Offline(read bio) i need some new friends (cuz i do need better friends XDDD) 2021-02-03T20:53:48Z Which song reminds you most of your personality and life? He helped create Freddy Fazbear in general. I'm Chris Afton. 32872720, citing Idlewild Cemetery, Kent City, Kent County, Michigan, USA ; Maintained by Ron "Ozzie" Oswalt (contributor 46902513) . Christopher Afton (or simply Chris) is the main protagonist of the 1997 animated film, Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and its follow-up TV show, Five Nights at Freddy's: The Golden Years. Elizabeth Afton is a character yet to appear in Children. × Just the story of the Afton family. Some say the show has something to do with Mrs. Afton and her relationship with William in cartoon. 8. Favorite Game From These Ones! If a new volunteer signs up in your requested photo location, they may see your existing request and take the photo. To suggest a correction or addition, visit the memorial page and click Suggest Edits. Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. Throughout the series, she attempts to convince Vlad that her baby is … Year should not be greater than current year. Some people also theorized she died due to some kind of illness, went into a coma due to an accident, sucide, died while giving birth to either elizabeth or crying child. Try again later. The most popular theory to how she died is due to a car accident. An email has been sent to the person who requested the photo informing them that you have fulfilled their request, There is an open photo request for this memorial. For Edits select Suggest Edits on the memorial page. When William Afton was 2 years old, his parents died in a car crash. Elizabeth afton real life chris afton. She also seems to bring michael back. Ask to William Afton whatever you want. Plese check the I'm not a robot checkbox.'. It is still unknown if she possesses an animatronic, but some people believe that Mrs. Afton possess the animatronic Ballora who is at Sister location/circus baby pizza world. No animated GIFs, photos with additional graphics (borders, embellishments. Try again later. Please contact Find a Grave at if you need help resetting your password. You are only allowed to leave one flower per day for any given memorial. November 2020 Видео о армянской культуре, Армении, армянах и все что связанно с ними. FNaF Sister Location Place the pin on the map to plot a location. Afton founded both Fazbear Entertainment to control the establishments and Afton Robotics to manufacture more animatronics. You can still file a request but no one will be notified. Here goes. Jan 29, 2021 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Some people say their divorce is due to them both being dead due to "till death due is part", or due to William and the 'Missing Children Incident'. This memorial has been copied to your clipboard. Are you sure that you want to delete this photo? This is based on fnaf 4. All photos uploaded successfully, click on the Done button to see the photos in the gallery. There is a problem with your email/password. I'm the youngest son of William Afton. Please try again later. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. 2 months ago Liz Afton . She was killed then she became ballora. Close this window, and upload the photo(s) again. Oct 5, 2018 - Explore Amber Naimo's board "william afton" on Pinterest. GREAT NEWS! After becoming a ghost, she went on to possess Circus Baby. I thought you might like to see a memorial for Clara E. Afton I found on In some cases, William Afton (Terrence's father) will speak formally and call Terrence by his name Location]]. My real backstory (part 1) by Mangletangle-_-Me reacting to a cursed ship by Mangletangle-_-gacha life vines|WITHOUT THE CERTAIN WORD NOW by moonlight_skywalker; who is the real clara? I m the youngest son of william afton. remix by x_Clara_Afton_x; coloring CC (open) remix by x_Clara_Afton_x You can chat with William Afton here. We do not have any photo volunteers within fifty miles of your requested photo location. ). Failed to delete memorial. The sponsor of a memorial may add an additional. Test out your knowledge here! He was celebrating his 9th birthday when he died. The email does not appear to be a valid email address. Here are some examples of what their relationship could be. Remove advertising from a memorial by sponsoring it for just $5. Discover (and save!) or don't show this again—I am good at figuring things out. He bullies me with his group of friends. Are you sure that you want to report this flower to administrators as offensive or abusive? Born to Lose - Ray Charles. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Share this memorial using social media sites or email. Which Afton Family charcter are you? This is my first quiz! Do you know the Afton family well? 5 weeks ago Gomibako no kodomo . At some point in his early life, William and his business partner, Henry, built the animatronics that would be installed in the restaurants. To add a flower, click the “Leave a Flower” button. Show more featured. This flower has been reported and will not be visible while under review. Terrence Afton (or simply Terrence) is the older brother of Chris and the deuteragonist of the 1997 animated Disney film, Five Nights at Freddy's 4. I tell the story while we go on. We have set your language to One day, in an unnamed location, as a Freddy-like animatronic was serving cake to the children, a … It’s just so- Bootiful! Talk to William Afton online right now. We’ve updated the security on the site. Which Afton protects you. Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a reset password code. AN EDIT FROM: notmars, know that most of the () edited by me are canon/explaining if it's true,I tried resolving most of wrong words,If I said something wrong by any chance please edit,THANK YOU!! Verify and try again. This is a FNaF quiz and your going to see if your Chris, Elizabeth, Michael or William. Include gps location with grave photos where possible. Glorious - Mackelmore (And Skylar Grey) Hide and Seek - … She is the distressed wife of Vlad, whom denies ownership of her Baby. It could be an arrange marriage due to pregnancy or business arrangement. Try again later. What happened to Clara Afton? A system error has occurred. Afton Family Quiz My Au. This is confirmed by Scott because when it was Chris' 9th birthday, Elizabeth was only 10 at the time. Thinking to Much - 21 Pilots. Anyway I'll tell you more about my family. There's no confirmed information about her. Your Scrapbook is currently empty. Edit a memorial you manage or suggest changes to the memorial manager. Although we don't if she is dead or how she died. Well. remix remix by x_Clara_Afton_x; Add yourself as a licky cat! based on information from your browser. Are you adding a grave photo that will fulfill this request? your own Pins on Pinterest Save to an Ancestry Tree, a virtual cemetery, your clipboard for pasting or Print. UwU remix by x_Clara_Afton_x; Drift away || OPEN semi-scripted Ashfur map remix by x_Clara_Afton_x; Add yourself as a licky cat! Previously sponsored memorials or famous memorials will not have this option. WARNING ... William Afton/Springtrap Clara Afton/Ballora Michael Afton Elizabeth Afton/Circus Baby Chris Afton ... Chris was living a normal life. I ship Springtrap x Ballora aka William Afton x Clara Afton. Failed to remove flower. Although William has died "three" times (spring lock, two fires in Fazbear Frights/ FNaF 6 restaurant) and comes back (Springtrap/ Scraptrap/ Glitchtrap). He helped create freddy fazbear in general. william had heard his beloved wife has died, and tried putting her soul into ballora (the ballora at fnaf 5\ sister location). Chat with William Afton's chatbot is very easy and funny There was an error deleting this problem. Resend Activation Email. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. The Afton Family go to the Movies / Fnaf Gacha Life. Becoming a Find a Grave member is fast, easy and FREE. afton family by caticorn102; fnaf memes by michealafton222; Default girl and boy glow up! This account has been disabled. He had no other family except for his Uncle. Hello dear diary. Which Afton Family charcter are you?
clara afton real life